SQL Solution -- Function List

(* Called automatically by the Query functions)
Function Description
Connect() Establish a connection to the database server. *
PersistentConnect() Establish a persistent connection to the database server.
ObtainHandle() Link to a database. *
Disconnect() Unlink from the current database.
Function Description
RunQuery() Passes Query String to the database server.
RunQuery_RowsNeeded() Runs query and returns 1 if number of rows specified equals number of rows produced by the query.
RunQuery_NoDuplicates() Runs the query and returns 1 if record gets inserted without problem.
ReleaseRecordSet() Release the query results from memory.
Error Handling
Function Description
KillQuery() Gracefully handles errors. Called automatically from other functions.
Result Display
Function Description
RecordAsTable() Displays contents of the next record as an HTML table.
RecordSetAsList() Displays an entire Record Set as an orderd or unordered list. Field of your choosing can be a hyperlink.
RecordSetAsTable() Displays an entire Record Set as an HTML table. Field of your choosing can be a hyperlink.
RecordSetAsXML() Dumps a record set as XML. Field of your choosing can be a hyperlink.
RecordSetAsTransform() Makes a standard normalized Record Set look like a spreadsheet in an HTML table.
Record Data
Function Description
RecordAsAssocArray() Places the next record's data into an associative array.
RecordAsEnumArray() Places the next record's data into an enumerated array.
RecordIntoThis() Places the next record's data into variables within the calling object.
InsertID() Returns the auto increment ID from the last record inserted.
Field Definitions
Function Description
FieldName() Returns the field name for a given field location.
FieldType() Returns the field type for a given field location.
FieldLength() Returns the field length for a given field location.
FieldLengthEnumArray() Returns an enumerated array containing the length of each field in the recordset.
FieldLengthAssocArray() Returns an associative array containing the length of each field in the recordset.
Form Generation
Function Description
OptionListGenerator() Creates a list box on a form which users can select input criteria.
InputListGenerator() Creates a series of check boxes or radio buttons on a form which users can use to select input criteria.
RecordAsInput() Displays contents of the next record as input elements for an HTML form.
RecordSetAsInput() Displays an entire Record Set as an HTML table with input fields for use on a form. Field of your choosing can be a hyperlink.
Function Description
Escape() Makes input safe for use as values in queries.
TimestampToUnix() Inputting a timestamp in "yyyymmddhhmmss" format returns a Unix timestamp.
DatetimeToUnix() Inputting a datetime in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format returns a Unix timestamp.
OverflowProtectionInSQL() Keep track of a repeating processes. If it repeats more than the specified number of times, kill it and print an error message.
CopyObjectContentsIntoSQL() Copies the contents of another object into the present object.