Audits and Demonstration Projects

Photo of a T intersection of downtown street. Cones block off several parking spaces. The back of a stop sign on a temporary pole is at the far side of the coned area. A woman is walking across the street and a crossing guard holds up their arm.

Sleepy Hollow "Walkability Workshop," 2017

I co-led a walking audit in Sleepy Hollow. Residents and elected officials attended. I printed diagrams for each intersection we would examine and produced an introductory presentation. Everyone's observations and suggestions were synthesized into a report written by my colleague and a presentation I created for the Village's Board of Trustees.

Photo of a light pole with a green mail box and a yellow mail box affixed to it. Two laminated paper signs are taped above them.

This led to a traffic safety demonstration project at the corner with the most vehicle/pedestrian crashes (which is adjacent to an elementary school). I used cones to create curb extensions to keep cars from blocking crosswalks. The DPW fabricated a temporary stop sign, which was placed in one of the curb extensions, supplementing a hard to see stop sign (photo, right). A page explaining the project was posted in English and Spanish. Two mail boxes were affixed to a light pole to distribute/collect bi-lingual survey forms (photo, left). The project was effective and extremely popular. Later, I presented the results to the Board of Trustees.